“Making money through poker affiliation is hard. It requires so much time, you need to have a website or have someone create one for you. And even then, you can never get on the first page of Google. It’s just too difficult…”
Except it’s not!
The only thing you actually need is - time and willpower.
You can be a poker affiliate without having your own site and you can make money through affiliation without having to fight all those big, well-established sites.
Being an offline poker affiliate may not seem like a realistic option but it very much is so. Well, at least as offline as you can be in today’s modern world, of course, as it is an internet-based business after all.
Potential Income All Around You
Setting up a website and going all in with poker affiliation may seem like a big commitment and, for the most part, it really is.
But this isn’t the only way you can go about things, not by a long shot.
If you’re a poker player yourself (which you most likely are if you’re reading this article) you probably have heaps of potential affiliate income all around you, just waiting for you to take it. All you need is a few affiliate links to some good sites to get started.
Remember, nobody says no to a good deal!
If you have a few offers with good rakeback deals and other perks, you don’t need a flashy website to pique people's interest. The word of mouth and a friendly conversation can go a long way as you aren’t trying to trick anybody.
It is a win-win scenario across the board.
Start With Those Closest to You
You can make your first steps into the world of poker affiliation by recruiting some of the fellow players you know from live events or cash games you frequent. Many of these people also play online and will likely be thrilled to take their action to a site where they can get a sweet chunk of their rake back.
For even a semi-serious player, this number can grow quite big. Explain it to them if they don’t know what you’re talking about.
They’re going to love it – who wouldn’t?
From there, it is just a matter of providing them with the link or your affiliation code or whatever else it is they need to get the deal and become your players.
If they’re happy, the word will spread around and you won’t even have to do much. Others will come looking for you, all without setting up even a simple blog.
Talk to Your Online Poker Friends
While you don’t have to set up a site, it would be foolish not to take advantage of opportunities presented by modern communication technologies.
If you’ve been around poker for a while, you’re likely to have some poker-playing friends on Skype, Viber, etc. You’re also likely to be a member of a poker group or two. Utilize these resources and hit some of these players up with your deals!
The worst case scenario, they’ll tell you they are happy where they are and aren’t looking to play on a new site. However, some of them will likely be more than happy to hear what you have to offer.
There is no need to be pushy. Explain things in a clear and concise manner and let them think about it. Even if they don’t go for it immediately, they might come back to you at a later point and ask for your deal.
With this strategy, you can create a very solid base of players with virtually the minimum effort and zero expenses. Once you get going you can decide if you want to take things to the next level with an affiliate site etc., but you don’t need any of this to get started.
You can become an offline poker affiliate today. All you need to do is make a decision and go for it!
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